Sunday 18 June 2017

June 18/17

Here is the end result of 10 hours in the car as we drove to and from New Brunswick to visit my mom. It has been a great relief to discover that I can stitch during our frequent road trips because as a child, I was a motion sickness expert. I am fine to stitch on straight stretches of highway and with patterns like this that do not require much reading. Driving in town with my nose in my stitching or indepth examination of the pattern will bring on nausea. We had great days for driving both ways....overcast with the occasional drizzle or shower so we were comfortable in the car without the air conditioner being on full blast and the dog did not overheat when we would stop for a break. I stitched away until it was too dark to see on Friday night as we did not leave until I was done work at 6pm and I had the whole drive to stitch on the way home this afternoon. Now that I have had a spot of supper, family members have been called for Father's Day greetings and the dog has been walked to make up for being cooped up in the car, I am going to continue on with the border.

Happy stitching!

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