Wednesday 20 October 2021

Oct 20, 2021

This jar contains all of my orts from January 2020 onwards. The orts are usually discarded in the New Year but I am thinking that I am going to save this jar and its contents until we are out of this pandemic. These remnants represent so much uncertainty, tears, pain, trying to cope, trying to survive and trying to lead all at the same time. I became a manager at work at the same time that the fella' was heading off to a 60 day rehab for alcohol dependence and that the vaccinations against COVID were ramping up here in Canada. 

There has been a great personal cost in dealing with this pandemic, both personally and professionally. The uncertainty, the complications of trying to get anything done whether it was grocery shopping or taking the dog to the vet, the anguish that I have felt in trying to be cheerful at work to meet the needs of my staff and patients while dealing with a series of health issues and stressors at home, the isolation from family and friends, the everything. I could not work from home and I work in healthcare. My health and safety and that of my loved ones was top of mind 24 hours a day in the face of mask mandates, constant cleaning at work and trying to figure out how to work under the current public health guidelines so that both my staff and customers felt safe. I am not in a position to retire just yet although this pandemic has inspired me to make a plan to get out of healthcare in a few years or at the very least, work part time. The price that I have paid is complete and utter exhaustion.

We are all doing the best that we can to get through the day, the week, the year. I wish each and every one of you good health, love and peace. Happy stitching!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Oct 12, 2021

I knew that it had been a while since I have made a blog post so it is, and it is not surprising, that the last entry is dated April 2021. To be frank, COVID has shot the hell out of so much of my life. I have been fortunate enough to not actually be sick from the virus, but it has infected and affected so much of my life. I work in healthcare so there is that. I also moved two provinces away from my family and friends about 6 months before Canada shut down due to COVID. Nineteen months after the country shut down, my mind and body are in desperate need of rest and healing.

This is not the time or place to go into what has been going on in my work and personal life which I fondly refer to as a massive dumpster fire. Just know that my needles and threads have been sitting in the corner, gathering dust. No soap has been made, no decorating done, no neat ideas followed up on until very recently when I took some steps to grab onto some normalcy and health in my life so that I can thrive instead of barely surviving from moment to moment. 

Time marches on. Life goes on. I wish you all health and peace and lots of joyful stitching! My needles and thread have been pulled out of the corner and while not fully joyful yet, creating has begun anew here.

Happy stitching!