Sunday, 20 May 2018

May 20/18

Ta-da!! Hot off the hoop. Life has been hectic and stressful around here. I have been coming home from work, eating supper, walking the dogs and collapsing into bed kind of stressful. Anyhow, I picked up the needle and hoop this afternoon to complete this piece, a Dimensions kit that I had to re-start on my own fabric because the darling little puppy had chewed a few holes in the original fabric. She did me a favour because I was on the fence about the fabric that came in the kit.

I have recently joined a Facebook group for stitchers in Nova Scotia to discover that two of the stitchers live within a few blocks from me. I met one of them the other night when I went to collect a book from her that I had purchased from her from another Facebook group. It is nice to actually meet other stitchers as discussions on line and shopping on line are nothing like face to face and hands

Some other things that I have been working on are baking cookies and soap making. The cost of buying home style chocolate chip cookies has become a bit prohibitive and the fella' loves home made cookies so I tried out a recipe that was not so stellar and then learned about this recipe from one of my co-workers. Well, this recipe yields more cookies for a lower price than what I was paying at the grocery store bakery. I had been scheduled to take a soap making class this week, but a sudden illness at work has delayed that class for me. I also have all of the makings for bath bombs because, similar to the grocery store experience, I was at Lush when I realized that I could make the same things for a much lower cost! Oh yes, and then there is gardening. I put out some potted plants and edged all of my flower beds yesterday. There are seedlings sprouting on my deck for broccoli and some flowers. A few new perennials have been added to my flower beds and I moved some of the plants that needed to be moved so that the garden looked more pleasing to my eye. The shorter plants were moved to the front of the bed and the taller ones moved to the back.

Happy stitching!

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