Wednesday, 3 May 2017

May 3, 2017

So, not much stitching to report these past few days as there just seemed to be so many other things to get done before I could sit down to do much stitching. I know, right? Priorities are out of whack. Stitching should be more of a priority over laundry, the dog and our 16 year old cat who has to be hand fed to get her to eat any amount of food. On the plus side, I received a bib envelope of these cute little Charlescraft bibs. I must have hit a sale last week when I placed my order because the order total, including shipping was only $50 US and I had purchased twenty of this little bibs. If my fella' is reading this, there were only 2 bibs in that envelope and I only spent a few dollars. Honest!

Happy stitching!

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