Tuesday, 7 March 2017

March 7, 2017

Here is a sneak peek at the bib I am working on. The pattern comes from pinterest.

I think that the piece is adorable and for once, there is no end goal in sight. A friend of mine is due in May, but they do not know the sex of the baby and this one is rather pink although I am sick of the whole "pink for girls, blue for boys" thing. Who cares?? Is the item clean and good repair? That is all that should count. Gender colour social conditioning be damned! That being said, I have some other patterns that are not pink or blue so I may stitch that up for the little one after I stitch up the one I have promised to a co-worker. There are 6 or 8 bibs in my stash pile so this line of decluttering will keep me busy for a bit.

The decluttering of the craft supplies has been successful enough that some of the shelves now see daylight. No more boxes on the floor in front of the shelving unit and fewer random stuff like a note that I found that only had "wasted" on it. Slow and steady is winning the battle against clutter.

Happy stitching!

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